Many clients ask for images of their real estate to their own use, prompting us to develop a photography price list as our standard outshines other companies.

This is a professional service which incurs costs. It takes time to travel to properties, time to photograph and time to edit images.

Of course, we offer all photography, advertising and client services for free if you use us.

But if you want to use our photographs to send to other agencies or use in other advertising forums, there are costs to consider.

The following photography price list is based on a number of factors, being:

  1. Location (travel time)
  2. Size of property / number of rooms (time taken to photograph)
  3. Editing time
  4. Size of images (KB/MB)
  5. Number of images
Chroy Changvar apartment detail

Prices based on the following:

Location Property size Editing time Size of image Number of images
Inner city <100sqm 10 mins/image Small <300KB 1 – 10
Outer city 100 – 300sqm Med 300 – 1000KB Medium <1MB 11 – 20
<100km 300sqm + Large 1MB+ Large >1MB 21+
100 – 200km
200 – 400km
 Inner city $5
Outer city $10
<100km $15
100 – 200km $20
200 – 400km $30
400km+ $50
Property size
<100sqm $10 (15 mins)
100 – 300sqm $15 (20 – 30 mins)
300sqm + $30 (30 mins+)
Editing time / number of images
10 mins/image $1/image
Image size
Small $0
Medium $1/image
Large $2/image


Real Estate photography case studies:

One: Outer city, 200sqm, 20 images, large format will cost $10 + $15 + $20 + $40 = $85

Two: Inner city, 100sqm, 10 images, medium format will cost $5 + $15 + $10 + $10 = $60

Three: 435km, 800sqm, 30 images, medium format will cost $50 + $30 + $30 + $30 = $140

Real estate photography price list 2023
City photography can be interesting.

Major retail to dominate Phnom Penh by 2025

According to a recent report, major retail spaces in the city of Phnom Penh are expected to dominate, growing to just under 1M sqm by 2025 across 62 shopping destinations.

This phenomenon is driven by the now global expectation of the youth generation (Gen Z and Millennials).

Quite simply, they want more and better shopping. They also want a wide range of entertainment options under one safe and comfortable air-conditioned roof.

They differ from previous generations in that they consider the journey to be as important as the destination.

If not, more.

Shopping isn’t just about buying stuff, it’s about meeting friends and sharing experiences.

More and more, we are witness to product launches, fashion shows, dance and singing competitions (the list goes on) offered as extras to the shopping environment.

This is changing the major retail landscape in most cities across the globe… and now in Cambodia. 


Property market, mortgages and economic growth

With more and more Cambodians emerging from poverty, local demand is also growing.

This is further fueled by the sustained growth of the mortgage market. Mortgages and other housing loans were only introduced in Cambodia in 2008 and by 2010 represented about 1% of GDP.

By 2020, this had risen to 15%. By 2020, total outstanding mortgages of owner-occupied housing was US$4.22 billion, up 25% from 2019.

This rise is attributed to falling interest rates and an increase in loan options.

In turn, this maturing of the economy has brought more stability and less speculative activity to the Cambodia property market.

Is the property market healthy enough?

Contact us!


Phnom Penh property sector

Phnom Penh real estate market